Teaching Non-Technical Skills
Lectures on knowledge transfer of soft skills in the medical field, namely team building, situational awareness, leadership, mentoring; highlighting the importance of acquiring problem-solving skills & resilience, and stress coping to avoid burnout in education.
Course directors

Evangelos Georgiou MD, PhD
President of the International Educational Committee of American College of Surgeons (AEI)
Director at Simulation Center, Athens University Medical School

Silvana Perretta MD, PhD
Education Director of IHU Strasbourg
Vice-President IRCAD

Mariano Giménez
Scientific Director of Percutaneous Surgery, IHU Strasbourg
Chair of Excellence in Percutaneous Surgery Strasbourg University

Identify the importance of soft skills in medical education.
Leadership and Mentorship in Surgery
Leardership and mentoring in soft skills for surgeons are part and parcel of the journey to becoming a successful practitioner. In this talk, Dr.
Mentoring in Medicine
Mentoring, what are we talking about? In this lecture, Pr. Horacio D'Agostino talks about the fundamentals, quality of players, and mentor-mentee interactions in medical and surgical education.
Coaching & Teamwork
The purpose of this lecture is to introduce educators into the culture of teamwork and collaboration, while reviewing the roles of coaches and team leaders. In this lecture, Ms. Mariana Losano addresses the importance of incorporating such knowledge in healthcare education.
Surgical Collaboration and Team Training
In this lecture, Pr. Rob Sweet addresses the importance of the teamSTEPPS process in facilitating the surgeon's role as a leader, surgical team building and communication. All these strategies may help practitioners to solve issues encountered in the operating room.
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